Category Archives: Uncategorized

Workplace bullying and personal injury

Workplace bullying can occur anywhere. Here’s an interesting article from the US legal firm, Dana Law. While there will be differences between legislation in Australia and the US, this article provides some fascinating statistics on the prevalence of bullying and harassment in US workplaces. It also addresses the personal cost for victims of bullying. Thanks to Mia and Sophie for sharing the link with us!


Five cognitive distortions: correct overgeneralisation

This is the third in a series of blog posts looking at five cognitive distortions of high achievers. Today, we’re looking at correct overgeneralisation. Michael Dearing defines this as making universal judgements from limited observations. In other words, basing critical decisions on scant data. Sounds like something many of us do–but Dearing adds this kicker: and beingContinue Reading


After the apology

When we feel that someone has wronged us, we often hunger for an apology. Sometimes our hunger is so strong that we devour everything in our path. We insist on an apology as our due; we harass the person who has so wronged us until we wheedle or hammer or prise an admission from them.Continue Reading


Working with thinking and feeling types

This post follows on from our previous post about working with sensing and intuitive personalities. It’s the third in a series of posts about the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the workplace. The third dimension in the MBTI identifies our preferred style for making decisions. On one hand, there are people who use logicContinue Reading


Working with sensing and intuitive types

This post follows on from our earlier post about extraverts and introverts. It’s the second of a series of posts about the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the workplace. The second dimension in the MBTI identifies our preferred style for taking in information. On one hand, there are people who enjoy workingContinue Reading
